齐权作品 | 世界青年,去定义梦想的可能性


齐权作品 | 世界青年,去定义梦想的可能性  



  Youth is a wonderful and one to go again to the times , is the beginning of all the light and happiness in the future

——Mikhail Kalinin

齐权作品 | 世界青年,去定义梦想的可能性  


  1905,The prototype of China’s first industrial enterprise ,after this industrial has completed his historical mission ,transform into a creative park that inherits industrial culture.

齐权作品 | 世界青年,去定义梦想的可能性  


  Today, 115 years later, Qi Quan and his exceptional design team have reshaped this place into a creative space that fits the youngster’s lifestyle.

齐权作品 | 世界青年,去定义梦想的可能性


  Once an outstanding industrial facility with more than 40 honorary awards from the state, now the building is transformed into a creative makerspace complex with workshops, fairs, and cultural activities.

齐权作品 | 世界青年,去定义梦想的可能性


  Qi Quan believes that "the purpose of design is to let art get out into the open, meet the city, and meet life". The goal was to keep the sense of history of the building with its industrial style, and take the experience as the main axis to create a work of art and a cultural venue for the public.

齐权作品 | 世界青年,去定义梦想的可能性  


 The classic industrial style is presented by combination of black metal and wood-colored materials. It caters to the aesthetic taste of young people. Attention to details helps to bring out the industrial theme and achieve a clear and complete look.

齐权作品 | 世界青年,去定义梦想的可能性

齐权作品 | 世界青年,去定义梦想的可能性


  Cool colors, bare ceilings, and bright plaques together with bright yellow accents express the character of the place. Elevated workshops and studios meet the needs of different people. A grid layout brings a sense of hierarchy and order to the multifunctional space.

齐权作品 | 世界青年,去定义梦想的可能性

齐权作品 | 世界青年,去定义梦想的可能性

齐权作品 | 世界青年,去定义梦想的可能性

齐权作品 | 世界青年,去定义梦想的可能性


  The entire building barely has any whitewash, the stress was put on using materials that would highlight the simple and modern industrial theme. Rough metal combined with bright colored accents erase borders between different spaces. The industrial style with such a strong personality makes it a truly inspiring place for independent creators to work in.

齐权作品 | 世界青年,去定义梦想的可能性

齐权作品 | 世界青年,去定义梦想的可能性

齐权作品 | 世界青年,去定义梦想的可能性


  In addition to the regular studio setting, a lecture space was designed for workshops and classes. Warm lighting creates a relaxing atmosphere. The clever use of wood color and faint light breaks the monotony of cement walls.

齐权作品 | 世界青年,去定义梦想的可能性

齐权作品 | 世界青年,去定义梦想的可能性

齐权作品 | 世界青年,去定义梦想的可能性

齐权作品 | 世界青年,去定义梦想的可能性


 The design of the bookstore area is the finishing touch. All three storeys get large amounts of natural light. The semi-suspended coffee shop is the most unique part of this this bookstore. A leisure space where history meets the future. 

齐权作品 | 世界青年,去定义梦想的可能性

齐权作品 | 世界青年,去定义梦想的可能性

齐权作品 | 世界青年,去定义梦想的可能性

齐权作品 | 世界青年,去定义梦想的可能性

齐权作品 | 世界青年,去定义梦想的可能性

齐权作品 | 世界青年,去定义梦想的可能性


  Conforming to the ever-changing world, the entire project reflects expectations of the youth. Design team is breaking the future expectations with the charming techniques that were used in the project.

齐权作品 | 世界青年,去定义梦想的可能性








Project information

Name:Shenyang 1905 Culture Park



Led by:Qi Quan

Design Team: Li Xiao Lei、Li  Jie Wu、Lin Da Ran、Zhao Huan、Li  Wen Shan


齐权作品 | 世界青年,去定义梦想的可能性







2017 40UNDER40 中国(辽宁)设计杰出青年



2018 IDS国际设计先锋榜优胜奖



2019 40UNDER40 中国(辽宁)设计杰出青年


