国际奖讯|王强作品荣获IAI DESIGN AWARD全球设计奖

07-01 新浪家居频道

国际奖讯|王强作品荣获IAI DESIGN AWARD全球设计奖

  2024年6月29日,2024 IAI设计节暨第十六届IAI颁奖盛典在厦门召开,现场邀请了众多国内外设计师、获奖者、评审嘉宾、院校教授、政府领导等集聚厦门,共同见证第十六届 IAI 奖项的诞生。

  On June 29, 2024, the 2024 IAI Design Festival and the 16th IAI Awards Ceremony were held in Xiamen. Many top domestic and foreign designers, winners, judges, professors from universities, government leaders, and others were invited to gather in Xiamen to witness the birth of the 16th IAI Awards.

国际奖讯|王强作品荣获IAI DESIGN AWARD全球设计奖

  沈阳谷德空间设计王强作品「茉里·观潮 」荣获IAI全球设计奖(室内奖)餐饮空间银奖,沈阳谷德空间装饰设计王强参加颁奖礼,领取全球荣誉奖杯。

  Shenyang Gude Space Decoration Design Wang Qiang participated in the award ceremony, and his work "Moli · Tidal Viewing Restaurant" won the IAI Global Interior Silver Award.

国际奖讯|王强作品荣获IAI DESIGN AWARD全球设计奖

△2024 IAI Design Awards 全球设计奖获奖通知

获奖作品Award Work:茉里·观潮

奖项名称Award Name:IAI全球设计奖(室内奖)餐饮空间银奖

获奖设计师Award winning designer:王强

国际奖讯|王强作品荣获IAI DESIGN AWARD全球设计奖

国际奖讯|王强作品荣获IAI DESIGN AWARD全球设计奖


项目名称 / Name | 茉里·观潮餐厅

项目地址 /  Location | 中国·沈阳

项目面积 / Area  |  1100㎡

设计师 / Designer  | 王强

奖项类别/ Award type | 餐饮空间银奖

国际奖讯|王强作品荣获IAI DESIGN AWARD全球设计奖

国际奖讯|王强作品荣获IAI DESIGN AWARD全球设计奖

国际奖讯|王强作品荣获IAI DESIGN AWARD全球设计奖



  沈阳谷德空间装饰有限公司 联合创始人  设计总监

  2024日本IDPA AWARD国际先锋设计大奖铂金奖










  Good Space Design has always been committed to professional interior design for hot spring resort hotels, dining clubs, real estate and commercial properties. The company philosophy always advocates quality, providing customers with cutting-edge integrated design, creating more brand value, and using profound professional skills combined with artistic taste to interpret popular and elegant design.


