01-25 新浪家居频道
连接世界的脉搏 -- SFC尚博金融中心。上海世博中心,滨江之畔,尚博金融中心,构建城市CAZ地标,融通全球金融资本,汇集世界500强企业,经典建筑文化和绿色智能科技相得益彰。
尚博金融中心SFC位于世博板块东侧, 由华润地产和世博土控,历经7年开发建设完成。项目占地13,255平方米,建筑面积79,300平方米;成为后世博地块的门户和地标,与中国馆和浦江景色遥遥相对。尚博金融中心SFC定位金融企业,打造拥有商业配套、自然景观、屋顶花园等设施完善的具有绿建二星认证的甲级写字楼。
SFC Sunbow Finance Center is next to former Expo site, covers an area of 13,255 sqm with GFA 79,300 sqm. HuaRun and Expo Land together developed a high quality Grade A office tower with a Two Stars Green Building certification. It targets financial HQ with providing commercial facilities, comfortable landscape and roof garden. The buildings take full advantage of the location by creating a gateway to the Expo area and offers great views to Huangpu River and Lujiazui.
What is the most efficient layout for a trapezoidal site?How to create a gateway for Expo area? The challenges are solved through extensive volume studies. By creating two volumes, the height and orientation fits better in the skyline. Also a welcoming plaza is created, which as well becomes a gateway landmark on the EXPO axis.
The classic modern architectural style and facade image contribute to the project to create outstanding landmark in expo area. The goal of the facade design is to generate a quality building in conformity with the context. The buildings are modern elegant and designed with great attention to details, materials and colors.
Floor plan design fully consider the efficiency and views. Most of the office space has an excellent view of the Lujiazui or the Expo China Pavilion.
The building is certificated as Two Stars Green Building. The design takes passive concept in priority in the whole process.
Both buildings use the same facade, a insulated window wall facade. This facade is characterized of the composition of 3 main materials: stone cladding, aluminium windowframes, and low-E double gazing.
By placing the window deep in the façade and making a frame around it external sun shading is provided. Next to the fixed window is a tumble window that provides natural ventilation, it is covered with a perforated metal mesh and placed in a solid wall. In this way the glass area is reduced to 50%. Blinds provide reduction of solar heat; optimize the use of daylight, creating a comfortable workspace.
Intelligent lighting minimized light pollution. Functional lighting and ambient lighting are properly arranged. The façade LED strips are combined with the window aluminum panels to reduce light pollution and energy consumption, while perfectly outlines the building's rhythmic frame at night.
尚博金融中心作为后世博片区门户和地标项目,成为城市整合及升级的代表性案例。已于2020年盛大开幕,租金与出租率均达到理想水平, 成为片区拥有自然景观的高品质办公地标,也成为世博板块核心位置央企总部及国际总部的聚集地。
A new landmark destination is created in Expo area. The SFC Sunbow Finance Center is now grand opened in 2020, maintain a good level of rent. The generous public spaces and the roof gardens contribute to the project’s overall goal to create outstanding working place for corporate headquarters.
此文转载自logon design微信公众号。